Jay H. Glasser, Ph.D., M.S., President, MPHI

This is an introductory video by Dr. Jay Glasser about the Medicine and Public Health Initiative.

The following is a short CV of Jay’s.





President, The Medicine and Public Health Initiative – founded by the American Public Health Association and the American Medical Association

Major Fields 

Public Health and Biostatistics


BA, University of Connecticut

MS, Columbia University

PhD, North Carolina State University


Public Health, Journal of The Royal Society for Health

Special Edition Editorial member: Journal of Education for Health


Fellow, Faculty of Public Health , UK

Fellow, Royal Society for Health, UK

Fellow (honorary),  Chinese Preventive Medical Association 


Forum on Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (Non Profit Foundation founded by CDC, Am Heart Assoc, NIH et al)

Member: Executive Committee, and Chair, Leadership and Partnership     Implementation

American Public Health Association (APHA): Chair, APHA 100 Year History Update Project

Symposium on Low Fertility and Sustainability, CO Chair, Hokkaido University, Sapporo Japan

Asian Conference on Emerging Issues in Public Health Advisory Committee

World Federation Public Health Western Pacific Region International Meeting Advisory and Planning Committee

Member, The Executive Board, The American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine

Task Force Liaison: One Health (The American Veterinary Medicine Association, American Medical  Association ,and the American Public Health Association)

Scientific Advisor, Toward Unity for Health, now TheNetwork Toward Unity for Health

Consultant: The China Medical Board, New York, New York


Lai, D, Chiehwen, E, and Glasser J. Controlling Influenza A (H1N1) in China:: a Baysesian or Frequentist Approach, The Asian Pacific Journal of Public Health, In Press

Glasser, J H, Commentary: Dr. Stephen Smith, APHA Founder, Journal of the American Public Health Association, In Press

Rosenau, P, Lal L, Glasser, J. U.S. Pharmacy Policcy: A Public Health Perspective on Safety and Cost, Social Work in Public Health 24: 543-567, 2009

Pappas G, Glasser JH, Nurani P and Akhter M., Healing the Schism: Medicine and Public Health in Pakistan, Education for Health., Volume 21, Issue 1, 2008 Bohlen C,

Glasser JH, Lippevld T, Goffin J, and Obaraton N, Towards Unity for Health: The Quest for Evidence, editorial in Education for Health,

Glasser JH, The Evolving Implications of Health and Sustainability in China, Public Health Vol 120, Issue 7, July 2006, Pages 597-600.

Beitsch, L, Brooks, R, Glasser, JH, and Coble Y, The Medicine and Public Health Initiative: Ten Years Later, Am J Prev Med. 2005 August;29(2):149-53.

Glasser JH, Students: The Future of Public Health Student Health Spectrum, November 2003.

Glasser JH, Counting and Accounting for the Health of the Public, The Nation’s Health, November 2003.

Glasser, JH, Powering up a Trust Fund for our Public Health System, The Nation’s Health, October 2003.

Mc Ghee, CR, Glasser, JH, Chen WC and Pomeroy N: Forecasting Health Care Expenditures and Utilization Expenditures and Utilization based on a Markov Process and a Deterministic Cost Function in Managed Care Settings Institute of Mathematical Statistics Vol.  43, p. 229-238, October 2003.

Glasser, JH, Joining Medicine, Public Health Together is a Good Fit, The Nation’s Health, September 2003.

Glasser, JH, Global Tobacco Treaty Will Be Remembered as the Year’s Success, The Nation’s Health, August 2003.

Glasser, JH, Balancing the Dramatic with Everyday Health Needs, The Nation’s Health, June/July 2003.

Glasser, JH, How to Collectively Create a Public Health Pandemic, The Nation’s Health, May 2003.

Glasser, JH, Effectively Communicating Public Health Messages The Nation’s Health, April 2003.

Glasser, JH, Protecting and Defending the Right to Healthcare Coverage, The Nation’s Health, March 2003.

Glasser, JH, Building a Unified Highway System for Public Health, The Nations Health, February 2003.

Glasser, JH, Moving Together Toward our 132 Years of Service, The Nations Health, December 2002/January 2003.


Glasser, JThe APHA History Update Project: proposed scope and steps, The American Public Health Association, November 2007

Glasser, J. The Typology of Leadership: a background White Paper for the National Forum on Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, January 2008

Glasser, J. Briefing:Public Health in The United States,Sichuan University, April 2008

Glasser J.  Case Study: Summit on Linking Clinical Practice and the Community for Health PromotionAgency for Health Care Research and Quality,  May 2008

Glasser J, Cranovsky R, Levinson R. Integrating Medicine and Public Health  Interdisciplinary Education and Manpower Development,  Global Forum of University Hospitals of Geneva May 2008

Glasser, J. Overview of The Medicine and Public Health Initiative (MPHI) Prepared for the Dubai Health Care City, Dubai, UAE June 2008

Glasser, J. Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention :  Building National and Global Alliances,  for The American Public Health Association, October  2008

Gill A, and Glasser J. Basic Public Health Training in Population-Based Preventive Approaches: Where are we now? American Association of Medical Colleges, November 2008

Glasser, J.  The Continuum of Medicine and Public Health Education in the Global Cyber Age, Forum on International Medical Education, November 2008

Glasser, J.  Assessment of Medical Education in Patient and Shared Decision Making: An Exploratory Comparative Study of Curriculum Content, Faculty, Resident, and Medical Student Knowledge and Attitude in Medical School Settings,. Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making, February 2009

Glasser, J. Collaboration in the Web based Network Environment, Chinese Medical Doctors Association,  April  2009

Glasser, J.  Four Primary Areas for Collaboration in Medical and Population Health Education, Peking University Health Science Center (PUHSC), May 2009

Glasser, J.  Leadership and Partnership Development in the Cyber Age: a Prospectus for The National Forum on Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, July 2009

Glasser, J. Building Collaboration and Cooperation to Improve Population Health: Background Briefing, for the World Federation of Public Health Western Pacific Region, August 2009

Glasser, J Leadership and Partnership Prospectus in Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention , September 2010

Glasser, J The History Update Project- 140 Years of the American Public Health Association, October 2010


Endurance Events: 7 time Ironman Triathlon Finisher, Hawaii and Canada; various  marathons
Outdoor: climbing, backpacking, and kayaking